
Information in English

We offer exciting and educational activities within the following areas:

  • Nature and sustainable environment
  • Physical education
  • Arts, culture and creativity
  • Food and health

The school and Aktivitetsskolen cooperate in order to present the students with a pedagogical continuum. We aim to support and guide the students in their academic work, as well as their social and personal development.

Aktivitetsskolen is characterized by:

  • Being an integrated part of the school
  • Being an alternative area of learning based on learning-by-doing
  • Being structured and predictable
  • Assisting  the children in their homework
  • Employing committed adults to assist and guide the children 

Opening hours
Aktivitetsskolen is open every weekday from 0730 – 0830, and from the end of school to 1630. Aktivitetsskolen is available for pupils attending grades 1.-4 and pupils with special needs from grade 1.-7.

Aktivitetsskolen is open every day except Saturdays, Sundays, official holidays, as well as Christmas- and New Years Eve. During the holidays, Aktivitetsskolen opens at 0730 and closes at 1630. Aktivitetsskolen is closed for the whole of July.

Daily schedule
7:30 to 8:30: Morning opening at Villa Vinderen (white villa in the school yard).

The morning opening staff can be found on the 2nd floor of the building. During the morning opening it is possible to participate in activities like drawing and board games. Some also eat their packed breakfasts before school starts.

The end of school – 16.15: Lunch, scheduled activities, play time.

16.15 -16.30: Tyding 

16.30: Aktivitetsskolen closes

Four times a week the children eat their packed lunches in their classrooms at school. They eat either immediately after school ends or immediately after homework assistance. Thus, they must bring two packed lunches a day: One for school and one for Aktivitetsskolen. One day per week we serve a hot meal in the classroom. The menu can be found in the weekly schedule. 

It is highly important that you notify us about food allergies, or food that the children cannot eat. This can be indicated in the contract that you deliver during startup.

Areas in use / wardrobes
Aktivitetsskolen Vinderen is divided into three units called "baser":

1st grade: The 1st grades use common rooms next to the classrooms as base. These are furnished with equipment that enables construction and arts and crafts as well as reading. Aktivitetsskolen also uses classrooms, the assembly hall and the gymnasium. The 1st graders have the same wardrobe during Aktivitetsskolen as they use when at school.
2nd and 3rd grade: The 2nd and 3rd grade base is Villa Vinderen. The base is divided into different activity rooms: Construction room, reading room and a multipurpose room. The children make use of the wardrobe in the villa.

4th grade: 4th graders have a separate base room in the school building. It is furnished for construction, arts and crafts as well as reading. The classrooms, gymnasium, assembly hall and computer lab will also be used by the 4nd graders during Aktivitetsskolen. The children use the same wardrobe as they use when at school.

Our payment fees are based on the family's gross income according last year's tax reports. For information concerning reduced fees, please contact us. You can find updated fees at the Oslo Kommune webpage.

Termination of contract
If you wish to terminate the contract, there is a one month termination period, starting from the 1st of the month. You are obliged to pay fees during the month of termination. You do not need to reply for admission to Aktivitetsskolen more than once. The contract lasts for four years, or until termination.  

Hole day admission/ half day admission / free after-school AKS for 1st - 3rd graders 
It is possible to choose between whole day admission and half day admission. When choosing whole day admission you can use Aktivitetsskolen every day during our opening hours. Half day admission (4th graders) is limited to twelve hours a week, and to two whole days during holidays. If you choose half day admission you need to fill out a "twelve hour-contract". Free after school AKS is available for 1st - 3rd graders. It is limited to twelve hours a week and morning-AKS (0730 - 0830) is not included. Further it is limited to two whole days during holidays and half a day during "planleggingsdager" and "inneklemte dager".


If you would like to go from half time to hole day, or visa versa, you need to let us know before either 30/6 or 30/11.

Delivery and pick-up
When school is over, a staff member from Aktivitetsskolen comes to the classroom to register the children present. When they are picked up or leave on their own they are checked out again. Please, do remember to check out / remind your child to check out. We will phone those who are not checked out at 1630 for safety reasons. Do remember to pick up before 1630. Late pick up can result in additional billing as staff members have to stay at Aktivitetsskolen as long as the children are here. If you are running late, please call us so we can organize our staff accordingly.

Daily messages / phone routines
Messages to baseleder must be sent no later than 12.00 o'clock. You can do so by calling us or sending an e-mail. Daily messages are registered and written down in the check-in-list. We inform the children about messages during lunch. For security reasons, we do not send the children home alone or with others as long as we have not received any message confirming that is OK. If you for example wish for you child to permanently walk home at a certain time of day each day, this can be registered so that you do not need to send messages every day.

External activities
If the children participate in activities that are not organized by Aktivitesskolen (such as choir, football, sailing, etc.) please inform us of this so that we can update our check-in lists accordingly. During lunch, we remind the children about external activities. Beyond these times, we do not have capacity to guarantee reminders.

Personal toys, etc.
Pupils are not allowed to bring their personal toys to Aktivitetsskolen.

Parent / Aktivitetsskolen cooperation
Please contact us if you have questions or concerns. First, contact the baseleder, then the leader of Aktivitetsskolen if necessary. We will contact you if incidents have occurred during the day that requires special attention. (Such as behavior issues, etc.)